I recently quit my job at Columbia University, ending my 15-year career in academia. One of the reasons (I’ll write about others soon) was the fact that I was experiencing a severe burnout. As I painfully realized over the past weeks, reversing the effects of this will take a while. I promised myself at least an entire month before going back to work, and as part of the process, I am planning to document parts of my journey - the ugly, the bad, and hopefully the good - in blog posts like this.
Nobody questions the statement: “You need to learn math to be a physicist”. So why do a lot of people push back when I say “You need to learn software engineering to be a physicist”?
So you have decided to rename your package, but all your continuous integration, deployment to PyPi and/or conda-forge, and automatic documentation generation with readthedocs is already set up with the old name. The obvious fear is that everything will break and lead to a big ‘ol mess, but the process is actually easier than one might think if you follow these steps …
I am currently an Associate Research Scientist in Prof. Abernatheys Climate Data Science Lab.
I did my Postdoc in Prof. Resplandys research group.
I did my PhD with Prof. Gordon at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
My BS thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
Major: Physical Oceanography
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
Major: Physical Oceanography
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
Major: Physical Oceanography
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch
Major: Physics of the Earth System: Oceanography-Meteorology-Geophysics
Assistance with sampling strategy
Underway sampling
Data viz/management
Underway sampling
Data viz/management
Ocean Deoxygenation Conference 2018 Kiel, Germany
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 Portland, OR, USA
AMS 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics 2018 Portland, OR, USA
Global Ocean Salinity and the Water Cycle Workshop 2017 Woods Hole, USA
AGU Fall Meeting 2016 San Francisco, USA
CLIVAR Open Science Conference 2016 Qingdao, China
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016 New Orleans, USA
Open Science Conference: Salinity and Freshwater Changes in the Ocean 2015 Hamburg, Germany
AGU Fall Meeting 2014 San Francisco, USA
ESA workshop - Ocean Salinity Science 2014 Exeter, UK
EGU General Assembly 2014 Vienna, Austria
Ocean Science Meeting 2014 Honolulu, USA
NASA SPURS Webinar Series 2013
AGU Fall Meeting 2012 San Francisco, USA
Working with output from general circulation models using xesmf and xgcm
Junior student colloquium: Plotting maps in python
Invited Guest Lecture
Earth Systems - Climate EESCV2100
Intro to Physical Oceanography EESCW4925
Earth Oceans and Atmospheres EESCW4930