Julius Busecke
Open Science Oceanographer
Climate Data Scientist
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Latest Blog Posts

  • To be or not to be a software engineer in climate science?

    Nobody questions the statement: “You need to learn math to be a physicist”. So why do a lot of people push back when I say “You need to learn software engineering to be a physicist”?  

  • Renaming published python packages

    So you have decided to rename your package, but all your continuous integration, deployment to PyPi and/or conda-forge, and automatic documentation generation with readthedocs is already set up with the old name. The obvious fear is that everything will break and lead to a big ‘ol mess, but the process is actually easier than one might think if you follow these steps …


In Progress / Submitted

  1. Busecke, J., D. Balwada, P. Martin, T. Nicholas, C. Stern, Z. Johnson, and R. Abernathey, 2024: The Overlooked Sub-Grid Air-Sea Flux in Climate Models. EarthArXiv preprint, https://doi.org/10.31223/X5WQ47.

In Press / Published

  1. Busecke, J. J. M., A. L. Gordon, Z. Li, F. M. Bingham, and J. Font, 2014: Subtropical surface layer salinity budget and the role of mesoscale turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JC009715.
    PDF online
  2. Bingham, F. M., J. J. M. Busecke, A. L. Gordon, C. F. Giulivi, and Z. Li, 2014: The North Atlantic subtropical surface salinity maximum as observed by Aquarius. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JC009825.
    PDF online
  3. Gordon, A., C. Giulivi, J. J. M. Busecke, and F. Bingham, 2015: Differences Among Subtropical Surface Salinity Patterns. Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2015.02.
    PDF online
  4. Gordon, A. L., B. A. Huber, and J. J. M. Busecke, 2015: Bottom water export from the western Ross Sea, 2007 through 2010: Ross Sea Bottom Water export. Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015GL064457.
    PDF online
  5. Busecke, J. J. M., R. P. Abernathey, and A. L. Gordon, 2017: Lateral Eddy Mixing in the Subtropical Salinity Maxima of the Global Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-16-0215.1.
  6. Swart, N. C., and others, 2018: Reflections on the CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium 2016. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-018-0015-y.
    PDF online
  7. Busecke, J. J. M., and R. P. Abernathey, 2019: Ocean mesoscale mixing linked to climate variability. Science Advances, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aav5014.
  8. Busecke, J. J. M., L. Resplandy, and J. P. Dunne, 2019: The Equatorial Undercurrent and the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082692.
  9. Bingham, F. M., J. J. M. Busecke, and A. L. Gordon, 2019: Variability of the South Pacific Subtropical Surface Salinity Maximum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014598.
  10. Busecke, J., and R. Abernathey, 2020: CMIP6 without the interpolation: Grid-native analysis with Pangeo in the cloud. Earth and Space Science Open Archive, 1, https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10504242.1.
  11. Busecke, J. J. M., L. Resplandy, S. J. Ditkovsky, and J. G. John, 2022: Diverging fates of the Pacific Ocean oxygen minimum zone and its core in a warming world. AGU Advances, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021AV000470.
  12. Loose, N., and others, 2022: GCM-Filters: A Python Package for Diffusion-based Spatial Filtering of Gridded Data. Journal of Open Source Software, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03947.
  13. Lopez-Garcia, P., and others, 2022: OceanGliders Oxygen SOP, Version 1.0.0 [GOOS ENDORSED PRACTICE]. OceanBestPractices, https://doi.org/10.25607/OBP-1756.
  14. Schmidt, G. A., and others, 2023: Anomalous Meltwater From Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves Is a Historical Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL106530, https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL106530.
  15. Ditkovsky, S., L. Resplandy, and J. Busecke, 2023: Unique ocean circulation pathways reshape the Indian Ocean oxygen minimum zone with warming. Biogeosciences, 20, 4711–4736, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-4711-2023.
  16. Rosentreter, J. A., and others, 2023: Coastal vegetation and estuaries are collectively a greenhouse gas sink. Nature climate change, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01682-9.
  17. Hermans, T. H. J., J. J. M. Busecke, T. Wahl, V. Malagón-Santos, M. G. Tadesse, R. A. Jane, and R. S. W. van de Wal, 2024: Projecting Changes in the Drivers of Compound Flooding in Europe Using CMIP6 Models. Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF004188, https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EF004188.


  • since 2021

    Affiliate Graduate Faculty University of Hawaii

  • since 2020

    Associate Research Scientist Columbia University

    I am currently an Associate Research Scientist in Prof. Abernatheys Climate Data Science Lab.

  • 2017-2020

    Postdoctoral Research Associate Princeton University

    I did my Postdoc in Prof. Resplandys research group.

  • 2010 - 2017

    Graduate Research Associate Columbia University

    I did my PhD with Prof. Gordon at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

  • 2008 - 2010

    Research Assistant GEOMAR/University of Kiel

    My BS thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch.


  • 2017
    Ph.D. (Columbia University)

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
    Major: Physical Oceanography

  • 2016
    M.Phil (Columbia University)

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
    Major: Physical Oceanography

  • M.A. (Columbia University)

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arnold Gordon
    Major: Physical Oceanography

  • 2010
    B.Sc. (University of Kiel / geomar)

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch
    Major: Physics of the Earth System: Oceanography-Meteorology-Geophysics


  • Mar/Apr 2013
    B/O SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA (Subtropical North Atlantic)

    Assistance with sampling strategy Underway sampling Data viz/management

  • Sep/Oct 2012
    R/V KNORR (Subtropical North Atlantic)

    CTD/LADCP Underway sampling Data viz/management

  • Jan/Feb 2011
    R/V NATHANIEL B. PALMER (Ross Sea, Antarctica)


  • Jan/Feb 2009
    R/V METEOR (Eastern subtropical North Atlantic)


Public Appearances

  • How important is the equatorial current system for the extent of the tropical oxygen minimum zones?

    Ocean Deoxygenation Conference 2018 Kiel, Germany

  • Interannual Variability of Ocean Mesoscale Mixing Correlated with ENSO

    Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 Portland, OR, USA

  • Temporal variability of surface eddy diffusivities in the global ocean from altimetry

    AMS 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics 2018 Portland, OR, USA

  • Temporal Variability in Surface Eddy Mixing

    Global Ocean Salinity and the Water Cycle Workshop 2017 Woods Hole, USA

  • Time variable eddy mixing in the global Sea Surface Salinity maxima (received OSPA award)

    AGU Fall Meeting 2016 San Francisco, USA

  • Time variable eddy mixing in the surface salinity maxima of the global ocean

    CLIVAR Open Science Conference 2016 Qingdao, China

  • Eddy mixing in the subtropical surface salinity maximum regions

    Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016 New Orleans, USA

  • Time variable eddy mixing in the North Atlantic

    Open Science Conference: Salinity and Freshwater Changes in the Ocean 2015 Hamburg, Germany

  • Export of salty surface water to depth in the North Atlantic

    AGU Fall Meeting 2014 San Francisco, USA

  • Differences Between the Subtropical Surface Salinity Patterns

    ESA workshop - Ocean Salinity Science 2014 Exeter, UK

  • The North Atlantic surface layer and the shallow overturning circulation

    EGU General Assembly 2014 Vienna, Austria

  • Evidence for the origin of the subsurface salinity maximum in the subtropical North Atlantic (received OSPA award)

    Ocean Science Meeting 2014 Honolulu, USA

  • Ocean Thinking: Changes in Latitude

    NASA SPURS Webinar Series 2013

  • Bottom Water Export from the western Ross Sea

    AGU Fall Meeting 2012 San Francisco, USA

Journal Peer Review

  • Nature,
  • Geophysical Research Letters,
  • Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,
  • Journal of Oceanography,
  • Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
  • Deep-Sea Research Part II,
  • Biogeosciences,
  • pyOpenSci


  • Columbia University (11/12/2019)

    Working with output from general circulation models using xesmf and xgcm

  • Princeton University (10/14/2019)

    Junior student colloquium: Plotting maps in python

  • Hun School, Princeton (10/18/2018)

    Invited Guest Lecture

  • Princeton University (10/24/2018)


  • Columbia University (2013)

    Earth Systems - Climate EESCV2100

  • Columbia University (2012)

    Intro to Physical Oceanography EESCW4925

  • Columbia University (2012)

    Earth Oceans and Atmospheres EESCW4930


  • Outstanding Paper Award (2023)

  • Outstanding Student Paper Award (2016)

  • Invitation to CLIVAR Early Career Science Symposium (2016)

  • NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (2014)

  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award (2014)

  • United States Antarctic Service Medal (2012)